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1m Meals Supplied!

Updated: Nov 8, 2022

Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) announces milestone deliveries of 1 million Care Meals, and enhanced assistance for guest workers in partnership with MOM and MWC

SINGAPORE — The Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO)—a movement of Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA), and a coalition of more than 130 partnering charities and organisations—has effectively delivered more than 1,000,000 Care Meals from 10 April to date. These efforts, in collaboration with our core partners, Ministry of Manpower (MOM) and Migrant Workers’ Centre (MWC), have provided food (1m), fruits and dry rations (906k), hygiene products (154k), masks and sanitisers (144k) medical supplies (2.5k) and even breakfast items during the Ramadan period, throughout the Circuit Breaker period to 301 Factory Converted Dorms (FCDs) as well as during Phase 1 and 2.

In addition to regularly providing Care Meals, the AGWO organised the Festive Care Packs @ Vesak/Ramadan initiative, as well as the Hari Raya Festive Pack initiative, as additional segments. Being an interracial and interreligious Non-Profit Organisation, the AGWO is committed to meeting the needs of all workers across varying backgrounds.

The AGWO is especially thankful for its partnership with MWC and MOM that have allowed for access into Factory-Converted Dormitories, as well as support in ensuring deliveries were distributed in manners that observed safe distancing measures, for the safety of all participants involved.

Other partners through the course of distribution have included the Singapore Press Holdings' Chinese Media Group (CMG), National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre (NVPC), Inter-Religious Organisation, Singapore, and Singapore Buddhist Federation. The various initiatives were also launched in the spirit of SG Cares, SG United and Singapore Kindness Movement.

Care Packs that had been distributed included meals for the guest workers, as well as the following: Category 1 [Fruits]: Fresh and dried fruits (i.e. apples, bananas and dates), Category 2 [Dried Rations]: Bread, biscuits, snacks, coffee and milo sachets, Category 3 [Medical Supplies]: Vitamin supplements and medical kits, and Category 4 [Hygiene Products]: Surgical masks, hand sanitisers, soaps, toothpaste and toothbrushes).

Reiterating the support of many Members of Parliaments and Ministers who had come alongside the AGWO in distribution efforts, Tan Chuan-Jin, Speaker of Parliament—who frequently volunteered with distribution efforts—affirmed the collective efforts of the AGWO and partnering organisations through an official statement.

“It is certainly heartening to see Singaporeans coming together to support our guest workers through such community ground-up initiatives. This project among others by Hope Initiative Alliance illustrates the impact we can make when we rally together, as one united Singapore, to uplift the various vulnerable members of our society. It is my hope that more of us will continue to support such efforts and work together through this trying period.”

Ms Denise Phua, Mayor of Central CDC, Ms Joan Pereira, Member of Parliament for Tanjong Pagar GRC, and Mr Yeo Guat Kwang, Chairman of MWC, also participated in the distribution efforts on 7 May, alongside volunteers and individuals from partnering organisations.

While the AGWO continues efforts to care for guest workers, the priority of Phase 2 would be to work collaboratively with MOM and MWC to encourage employers to take increased ownership and responsibly care for their workers, amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. In order to supplement these efforts and sustainably meet the needs of 6,000 workers whom we have committed to caring for amidst Phase 2, the AGWO will continue its efforts to raise funds, as well as donations in kind for the items mentioned above.

New initiatives, in collaboration with MOM and JTC, will include bridging gaps in legal, counselling and medical assistance, together with partners such as SATA CommHealth and Healthserve. Other initiatives in the pipeline include community integration programmes, skills advancement courses, and culturally-relevant entertainment avenues and sports activities.

As we strive to cater to the needs for the guest worker community amidst Phase 2 and beyond, the coalition is also recruiting volunteers to serve as administrative staff, and other capacities. If members of the public should wish to register as volunteers, they may do so at

More information about the initiative may be found at For enquiries, email

For individuals who wish to support future projects of HIA and/or AGWO, kindly contact Mr Aaron Fun at


The Alliance of Guest Workers Outreach (AGWO) aims to provide guest workers in Singapore with holistic care in a sustainable manner by establishing a national platform for collaborations, partnerships, and the sharing of resources and services that are targeted at improving their working and living experiences.

AGWO is an initiative of the Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA), in partnership with various Voluntary Welfare Organisations (VWOs), civil organisations, corporations, professional bodies, guest worker dormitories, and government agencies.


Hope Initiative Alliance (HIA) is a collective of multiple charities and non-profit organisations in the region that aims to support and bring hope to the poor, deprived, and marginalised communities in Singapore and beyond.


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